25/03/2012 – Concerto d’organo

Claude Debussy (1862-1918) Prlude lprs-midi dun faune (Trascrizione di J. Abbing)
Andr Jolivet (1905-1974) Mandala
Max Reger (1873-1916) Introduktion, Variationen und Fuge fis-Moll op. 73
Jorg Abbing nato a Duisburg nel 1969. Si formato in pianoforte e composizione, nonch musica sacra luterana, organo, musicologia, storia dellarte e letteratura tedesca. La sua tesi dottorale sulle opere organistiche di Maurice Durufl. Ha studiato inoltre organo a Parigi con Gastone Litaize, Andr Isoir a Naji Hakim.
Dal 1995 Cantor e organista della Chiesa luterana di St. Arnual nonch docente universitario. Concertista internazionale con innumerevoli registrazioni radiotelevisive e discografiche.
Prof. Jrg Abbing, M.A., Dr. phil. (Ph.D.) was born in Duisburg, Germany in 1969; first studies in piano an composition with Alexander Meyer von Bremen an in organ with Gnter Eumann. Studies in Lutheran church music, organ performance, musicology, art history and German literature in Dsseldorf and Saarbrcken (teachers among others Professor Almut Rler, Professor Volker Hempfling). His dissertation was about the organ works of Maurice Durufl.
Organ studies with Gaston Litaize in Paris since 1990. 1994 A-graduation, 1996 performance graduation. Private studies in Paris: organ with Andr Isoir, improvisation with Naji Hakim.
Since 1995 he is Cantor and organist at the Lutheran church of St. Arnual, as well as Professor for improvisation at the conservatory for Music of the state of Saarland in Saarbrcken. Jrg Abbing is also lecturer at the Bishops Institute for Church Music in Speyer as well as at the University of Saarbruecken (musicology). He is co-founder of the concert series Music at St. Arnual Church. He has played concerts and given master-classes all over Europe and in the USA and Australia. Numerous radio, television and CD recordings.
Source Article from http://www.info.roma.it/evento_dettaglio.asp?eventi=22835
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